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  • Klintagården | camping | Klinta Bodars väg 8, Köpingsvik, Sweden

    Welcome to Klintagården A place to look forward to ​ Book your accommodation for summer 2024 Book online Book via form Current events at Klintagården Konsertprogram 2024 The restaurant ​ Välkommen till vår restaurang på Klintagården där vi serverar husmanskost, sallad och varma rätter. Vi serverar även fikabröd, räksmörgås, grillmacka, dricka och kaffe mm. öppettider v 28-30 Restaurangen har öppet tisdag-lördag kl 10-20. Söndag 12-15. Frukost serveras alla dagar 8-9.30 pris 110 kr Tisdag serveras varmas rätter 12-19.30 Dagens lunch serveras 12-15 onsdag till söndag. 130 kr Inkl. salladsbuffé, måltidsdryck, kaffe och kaka. kl 15-19.30 serveras varma rätter ​ Onsd 10/7 Rostbiff och potatissallad Torsd 11/7 Grillat kycklingspett och potatisgratäng Fred 12/7 Tacobuffé Lörd 13/7 Grillad kyckling m klyftpotatis och tsatsiki Sönd 14/7 Fläskkarré m potatis Måndag den 15/7 är restaurangen stängd. ​ Varmt välkomna! ​ Accommodation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elite. Phasellus porta pellentesque est, et condimentum nulla efficitur id. Vivamus mauris nisl, aliquet sed maximus id, pharetra nec lectus. Vivamus at dapibus enim, suscipit vehicula ex. Fusce fringilla purus lobortis sapien malesuada vulputate nec id sapien. Curabitur interdum eu lorem ac posuere. Integer quis lectus lectus. Cras quis dictum ante. READ MORE Room Camping Concerts Klintagården's concert program is a magnet for music lovers of all ages and tastes. With a diversity that spans pop, rock, gospel and other genres, visitors are invited into a harmonious world of sound. From the lively tones of pop concerts to the powerful energy of rock events and the soulful spirituality of gospel, there is something for everyone. The inclusive program creates a community where music unites people across generations and creates memorable moments in Klintagården's unique concert environment. Book tickets Camp Klintagården is perfect for confirmation camps, teenage camps, parish weekends and other types of camps. ​ Weeks 26 and 27 Equmeniakyrkan Region East arranges confirmation camp at Klintagården. You can find more information about the camp on the region's website, No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Opening hours Mon–Fri: 09–18 Sat: 10–14 Sun: closed Get in touch! Klinta Bodars väg 8 387 50 Köpingsvik Phone: 0485-722 40 Förnamn Efternamn Email Meddelande Skicka Tack! Prenumerera på Klinta-nyheter! Ja tack! Tack för att du prenumererar!

  • Program | Klintagarden

    PROGRAM 2024 Sommargospel på Öland

  • Sonja Alden | Klintagarden

    Köp Biljetter här!! Groups CAMP Klintagården is perfect for confirmation camps, teenage camps, parish weekends and other types of camps. CONFIRMATION 2022 Weeks 26 and 27 Equmeniakyrkan Region East arranges confirmation camp at Klintagården. You can find more information about the camp on the region's website, COURSE AND CONFERENCE Klintagården offers an affordable course and conference option. Here, the smaller group as well as the larger one can find inspiration and creativity. We arrange food and accommodation according to your wishes. Two conference rooms for 15–20 people. We have a church for 130 people and the meeting hall Oasen with seating for about 300. WEDDINGS AND BIRTHDAY PARTIES When you want to organize the party with us at Klintagården, we help with table settings, furniture, menu suggestions and whatever else is desired. We can also offer overnight accommodation. Contact us for further information and price proposals. Call 070-547 22 40 or email ​ Booking inquiry via form

  • Kiralina | Klintagarden

    Köp Biljetter här!! Groups CAMP Klintagården is perfect for confirmation camps, teenage camps, parish weekends and other types of camps. CONFIRMATION 2022 Weeks 26 and 27 Equmeniakyrkan Region East arranges confirmation camp at Klintagården. You can find more information about the camp on the region's website, COURSE AND CONFERENCE Klintagården offers an affordable course and conference option. Here, the smaller group as well as the larger one can find inspiration and creativity. We arrange food and accommodation according to your wishes. Two conference rooms for 15–20 people. We have a church for 130 people and the meeting hall Oasen with seating for about 300. WEDDINGS AND BIRTHDAY PARTIES When you want to organize the party with us at Klintagården, we help with table settings, furniture, menu suggestions and whatever else is desired. We can also offer overnight accommodation. Contact us for further information and price proposals. Call 070-547 22 40 or email ​ Booking inquiry via form

  • Sonja Alden | Klintagarden

    Köp Biljetter här!! Groups CAMP Klintagården is perfect for confirmation camps, teenage camps, parish weekends and other types of camps. CONFIRMATION 2022 Weeks 26 and 27 Equmeniakyrkan Region East arranges confirmation camp at Klintagården. You can find more information about the camp on the region's website, COURSE AND CONFERENCE Klintagården offers an affordable course and conference option. Here, the smaller group as well as the larger one can find inspiration and creativity. We arrange food and accommodation according to your wishes. Two conference rooms for 15–20 people. We have a church for 130 people and the meeting hall Oasen with seating for about 300. WEDDINGS AND BIRTHDAY PARTIES When you want to organize the party with us at Klintagården, we help with table settings, furniture, menu suggestions and whatever else is desired. We can also offer overnight accommodation. Contact us for further information and price proposals. Call 070-547 22 40 or email ​ Booking inquiry via form

  • Rum | Klintagarden

    ROOM FOR RENT All our rooms are pet-free. Check-in from 3 p.m. Check-out no later than 12:00. Bicycle rental is available on the farm. During the Midsummer weekend, an age limit of 23 years applies for people without a guardian. Book online Booking inquiry via form From SEK 345/day Camp accommodation Linden has 15 rooms on the second floor, primarily divided into 4- and 6-bed rooms with bunk beds. There is also a single room and a 2-bed room. On the ground floor there is a simpler kitchen for self-catering and a larger meeting room. You bring your own bed linen. It is also possible to rent bed linen. Cleaning upon departure is your own responsibility. Cleaning can be purchased at the time of booking or at reception no later than the day before departure. Toilets and showers in the corridor. The restaurant can offer full board for groups living in Linden. Linden is well suited for school classes, associations and confirmation groups. Bokningsvilkor och ordningsföreskrifter Bed & Breakfast ​ In the main building, Eken, we have rooms with different standards. An elevator and larger toilet make the building handicap-friendly. On the second floor there is a TV room and a small kitchen for our guests. Our restaurant is also located in Eken. DOUBLE ROOM, GROUND FLOOR Six double rooms with toilet and shower. TV in the room. A larger disabled-friendly double room with shower and toilet. TV in the room. The price includes breakfast, bed linen and cleaning on departure. Wireless network is available in the rooms. SINGLE ROOM AND DOUBLE ROOM, SECOND FLOOR Eight single rooms, each of five rooms with extra bed, bunk bed. Seven double rooms, of which two rooms with extra beds in bunk beds. Sink in the room. Toilet and shower in the corridor. The price includes breakfast, bed linen and cleaning on departure. Wireless network is available in the rooms. ROOM IN ONE One has 5 rooms, divided into 2- and 4-bed rooms with toilet and shower in the corridor. There is also a single room with shower and toilet. Breakfast and cleaning upon departure are included in the price. You bring your own bed linen. It is also possible to rent bed linen. Enen is recommended for those looking for a little more snug accommodation at a good price. Suitable for families with children and small groups. Price list ​

  • Emilia Lindberg | Klintagarden

    Köp Biljetter här!! Groups Booking inquiry via form

  • Grupper | Klintagarden

    Groups CAMP Klintagården is perfect for confirmation camps, teenage camps, parish weekends and other types of camps. CONFIRMATION 2022 Weeks 26 and 27 Equmeniakyrkan Region East arranges confirmation camp at Klintagården. You can find more information about the camp on the region's website, COURSE AND CONFERENCE Klintagården offers an affordable course and conference option. Here, the smaller group as well as the larger one can find inspiration and creativity. We arrange food and accommodation according to your wishes. Two conference rooms for 15–20 people. We have a church for 130 people and the meeting hall Oasen with seating for about 300. WEDDINGS AND BIRTHDAY PARTIES When you want to organize the party with us at Klintagården, we help with table settings, furniture, menu suggestions and whatever else is desired. We can also offer overnight accommodation. Contact us for further information and price proposals. Call 070-547 22 40 or email ​ Booking inquiry via form

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